Studio Photos

Canon EOS still and video camera.
My iPad to control the to go pros and visually see the image. Also to control logic pro in the control room ( Computer recording source).
Two microphones one is a Coles ribbon microphone ( musical instruments)and the Rhodes NTG4+. ( voiceover).
there is a charger connected to all the cameras for charging. I have the cloud so I import the files. This way I do not have to take the cameras apart for content or powering up.
those are guitar effects pedals and a router that routes my microphone to the amplifier and the effects pedal separately and then to the control room to the audio source.
Everything is designed to be able to move four different angles and different lighting effects.

I have my Gibson Skylark amplifier in there. The coals microphone is pointed in the center and the audio technical microphone is pointed to the side of the speaker
Now there are two sound baffles covering the Gibson skylark amp.

So my HDMI to USB three and video cards are connected, one runs to my vocal booth and one, for now, lives in the control room.
i’ll be experimenting with the best way to route it through my system.
For now. Subject to change because of latency, My USB three connection goes to a thunderbolt connection on my iMac.

From there, I go to the Ecamm live. Where my output goes to my audio interface, in this case Apollo Universal Audio.
There I have the option to separate different microphone sources and mix them, The image looks like a mixing board( Image below).

As of now in my channel strip in each channel I’m using a virtual preamp and through pre-aux sends.
I am just using some reverb. But as of now I’m using monitor instead of record’
But that was for recording session work, where I never print affects!
That’s my preference. but ( as a general rule) once you use effects. It’s advisable not to add affects later’
If I’m using the Ecamm live. It uses my audio interface. But if I’m going to do a zoom meeting/live streaming video.
It really helps to have a Drummer or a click track, or just have that common understand….that invisible thing called… Timing.
And then in post production, get all the sources recorded as best as possible.
And re-edit them in post production through final cut pro and a audio daw ( Computer recording system, Logic, Cubase, live).
I tend to use legitimate software, because I’m always up-to-date, and if something crashes at least I’ve got somebody to complain to.
There is plenty of quality software out there and inexpensive hardware, particularly for PC computers.
OBS is cross platform free software for video streaming, and there are a ton of free audio programs for PCs as I mentioned.
An artist should never be limited by the equipment they use, only is their determination to make the best out of what they have.

New Studio Photos with lighting and GoPro’s working. Using all my skills to get this working so I can be creative and make quality music and videos has been a real learning curve, but it almost there!!
The way I set it up, takes me 20 minutes from the time I get in the room to record time! That’s fast!
The long boom stands are acting as microphone holders, go pro holders and some of my LED lighting!
These specially made Miniature arms for the GoPro allows me to do fast focusing, all types of crazy angles.
The audio will be recorded into the Mac through logic and my audio interface. Through multiple microphones.
Some of the amplifiers will be put in Sound closets.
I will have three cameras running at the same time.
All controllable by me remotely. I’ve had to redesign this quite a few times.
I have wireless USB connectors to my GoPro so I don’t have to change the batteries.
Nothings perfect, the lighting comes on with three different remotes!
The go pros remote doesn’t work well and I am operating them through my iPhone and iPad because, two cameras cannot be run on one piece of software! Dummies!
But the gopros have remotes that I haven’t mastered yet and also potential for verbal cues.
No problem with that LOL unless somebody has to go……
so if I choose to use voice remote and you come to my studio you can’t use the word go and you can’t brag about being a pro! Or else you’ll be kicked out!

I do have four different led lights ( that I have not incorporated yet), some with multiple colors and some with different shades of white or light! Different hues and different intensities.
Mainly so the people I film don’t have shadows under their eyes!
I have a inexpensive planetarium gizmo and a Gobo lighting system that people use to light their houses, you know the one! They shine it on their houses! Has different images such as Christmas and birthday and other images that you can slide into a lighting apparatus!
This month( December) I plan on doing some recording by myself and with one or two duos. Stay tuned.
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