World Music

Tree Of Life
Ari Ban Moses Band, Words The Bible Produced By Joe Havlock and Miguel Weissman for Countdown Studios. Ari Ben Moses Composed this track sang and played the keyboard and the B3. OSCAR DEBE, Drummer, Vocalist. Ghana, West Africa. BUDDY BOOKER, Bassist. New York City. RICHIE COHEN, Guitarist. los Angeles. Miguel Weissman Harmonica Jersey City. Miguel also is the Mixer, recorded in 1999 at Countdown studios.
The Brooklyners have a up-coming album when we can join as one 2022

For the past 8 years and over 250 shows { who’s counting..that was written 4 years ago},
For the past five years and over 250 shows, The Brooklyners have been
playing NYC festivals (Atlantic Antics, BEAT festival) playing some great
venues like The Brooklyn Museum, The Brooklyn Conservatory of Music but
also Garcia’s at The Capitol Theater or The Ardmore Music Hall without

The Boat Goes To The bottom {Re-Mix}
Re-mix Zap Mama Voices, David Langlois bass, Diego Javier Cebollero guitars, Miguel Weissman programing composition.
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Ruff Mix
Solo project
Designed and programed with virtual instruments and harmonica altered though computers, composed and produced by Miguel Weissman, special quest Rich Cohen: guitar, recorded Copyrighted 2006.
Mon Gui Dem
Produced and mixed at Miguel’s studio. David “Jahwid” Langlois wrote and sang the song and played every instrument, except harmonica. Miguel played the harmonica and co-produced and mixed this track, recorded 2018.
Ocean Of Life
Sir Shadow created the spoken word {FLOWETRY} and Miguel Weissman composed and programed this original track, special quest David Langlois: djembe, diego javier cebollero guitars, Recorded at Miguel’s recoding studio in Copyrighted 2013
HipHop Raga
Designed and programed with virtual instruments and harmonica altered though computers, composed and produced by Miguel Weissman Recorded Copyrighted 1988.
Fire Fire!
Jamie Dimond Vocals and lyrics, OSCAR DEBE, Drummer, BUDDY BOOKER, Bassist, RICHIE COHEN, Guitar, Rapper – Sledge, Miguel Weissman – harmonica, synths and composition. Copyrighted 1998
Recorded 1999
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